Healthcare for as low as $20 per month...

DirectcareMD is an Affordable Healthcare Alternative --

for only $20 - $90 per person, per month...

DirectcareMD is an affordable healthcare program that works for you. DirectcareMD offers a revolutionary "old" approach to patient centered medical care -- a program free of bureaucratic burdens and excess overhead expenses.

Are you ready for a better way?

It really is no secret. Doctors are fed-up. Patients are fed-up. But both are caught in an expensive, fragmented "system" they can't easily get out of -- and many workers or their employers can't afford to get into! About 45 million members of working American families are uninsured.

DirectcareMD can help -- for as low as $20.00 per person, per month.

A growing number of financially savvy individuals now carry only high deductible medical insurance, perhaps as part of a Medical Savings Account or Medical Reimbursement Program. These individuals seek to control their costs by directly funding their smaller bills.

DirectcareMD can help -- for as low as $20.00 per person, per month.

DirectcareMD is a good program for families or employees of small companies who simply cannot afford medical insurance. It removes all barriers to primary care medical services.